It would be a mistake to think that psoriasis is a disease limited to the skin. Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease that affects various areas, including the skin, joints, and cardiovascular system. In fact, it has been revealed that psoriasis patients are much more likely to suffer from joint deformity, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes (type 2), inflammatory bowel disease, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and metabolic syndrome than the general population, even though the main symptom is skin itching.
Nowadays, unlike in the past, systemic treatment is recommended even if the skin lesions of psoriasis are limited. In particular, psoriasis can cause joint deformation and affect the cardiovascular system over time, so active early intervention is needed at a preventive level.
Kim Hye-Seong, the professor of dermatology at Incheon St. Mary's Hospital of the Catholic University of Korea, said, “Psoriasis treatment has recently shown remarkable results with the introduction of biological agents,” and emphasized, “All psoriasis skin lesions can disappear with just initial treatment.” However, added, that “We must remember that, like high blood pressure or diabetes, it requires constant maintenance, management, and treatment.”