Mesotherapy: glow from within or how it transforms your skin

Mesotherapy is a popular injection procedure used to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems of the face. It is a method of intradermal and subcutaneous administration of specially selected products, which allows it to act directly on the skin, improving its condition and appearance. Depending on the composition of the products and the injection technique used, mesotherapy can significantly increase skin tone, hydration, and elasticity, as well as help reduce wrinkles and age-related changes.

One of the key factors for the success of mesotherapy is the selection of individual cocktails that include a variety of active substances. These can be hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, micro- and oligoelements, peptides, and lipolytics. Each of these components play a role in improving skin health, its structure and restoring water balance, which makes the procedure versatile and effective for various skin types.
An equally important aspect is the technique of products administration, which directly affects the results. Specialists use various injection methods, from classical to more modern, which allows you to adapt the procedure to the needs of a particular patient. Mesotherapy helps not only in combating the signs of aging, but also in solving other aesthetic tasks, such as improving complexion, treating hyperpigmentation, combating cellulite and even local fat deposits.
Mesotherapy is considered as a minimally invasive method, which makes it especially attractive for those who are looking for effective, but not too traumatic ways to improve their appearance. The drugs are injected into the middle layers of the skin, called the mesoderm, using sequential injections. For this purpose, microneedles with a diameter of only 0.2–0.4 mm are used, which significantly reduces the painfulness of the procedure and minimizes discomfort for the patient. The cosmetologist carefully selects the depth of administration, the number of injections and their location, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and the goals of treatment. This approach ensures a high level of safety and precision of exposure, which makes the procedure effective and comfortable.
Mesotherapy is a popular and effective procedure that helps to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems both on the face and on the body. Let's look at how mesotherapy works in different areas of the face and body.
On the face, the procedure is widely used in various areas. In the lip area, mesotherapy helps to make the skin smoother and firmer, eliminates the so-called "purse" wrinkles and dryness, giving the lips expressiveness and a clear contour. The hair growth area is supported by stimulation of the hair follicles, which helps to get rid of hair loss, improve their density and health, as well as cope with dandruff and dry scalp.
Neck mesotherapy is aimed at improving the condition of the skin, reducing the severity of wrinkles, as well as combating local fat deposits and age spots. The effectiveness of the procedure is seen in tightening of the skin and improvement of its elasticity. In the area around the eyes, mesotherapy helps to get rid of bags under the eyes, dark circles, improving skin texture and restoring its elasticity. It also smoothes wrinkles and eliminates puffiness, making the look fresh and youthful.

On the chin, mesotherapy helps to tighten the skin and eliminate the second chin, providing a result close to non-surgical modeling. The procedure restores the density of eyebrows, eliminates gaps and promotes the growth of new hair. On the forehead, mesotherapy combats horizontal and vertical wrinkles, improving skin hydration and saturating it with vitamins and minerals. In the area of nasolabial folds, mesotherapy can effectively reduce their severity at the initial stage, stimulating skin bioprocesses and making it firmer and fresher.
In addition, mesotherapy is successfully applied to the body, solving aesthetic problems in different areas. On the stomach, it helps to get rid of fat deposits, improve skin elasticity and even out its relief and color. The procedure also eliminates stretch marks and scars, including after cesarean section. On the hands, mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate pigmentation, wrinkles and dryness. The skin becomes moisturized, and the appearance of the hands becomes more well–groomed.
In the hip and buttocks area, mesotherapy actively fights cellulite, strengthens the skin, improves its tone and helps eliminate stretch marks. Cocktails may contain lipolytics that destroy local fat deposits. In the decollete area, mesotherapy is aimed at lifting the breasts, restoring skin elasticity and eliminating age-related changes, pigmentation and stretch marks. This procedure is especially popular among women who want to restore breast attractiveness after breastfeeding or plastic surgery.
Mesotherapy on the back helps to improve microcirculation, relieve muscle tension and pain. Lipolytics can be used to fight fat deposits as well, and the injection technique allows for targeted treatment of problem areas such as bull's neck or widow's hump.
Mesotherapy has several advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before it is performed. One of the main advantages of the procedure is that it is suitable for people of any age and is suitable for both women and men. Mesotherapy effectively combats wrinkles and other aesthetic skin defects, and the results can last up to 1.5 years. The cocktails of useful substances used in the procedure are well perceived by the skin, and the procedure itself has a minimum number of contraindications. It is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that no hospitalization is required, and discomfort during the procedure is minimal.
However, despite the many positive aspects, mesotherapy has some disadvantages. The results of the procedure, although long-lasting, are not permanent, and may need to be repeated over time. In rare cases, complications such as bruising or swelling may occur. There is also a small risk of allergy to the components of the products used in cocktails for injection. Thus, mesotherapy is an effective procedure with few risks, but it must be repeated to achieve lasting results.

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