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What can be wrong? Common problems and the best treatments for healthy scalp

The health of the scalp is often overshadowed by hair care, but its condition directly affects appearance and overall well-being. Aesthetic problems such as dandruff, itching, greasiness or dryness of the scalp can not only cause discomfort, but also significantly impair the quality of the hair. It is important to remember that the scalp, like any other part of the body, needs careful and competent care, which helps to prevent many of these problems.

One of the most common aesthetic problems is dandruff. It can be related to various factors, from the wrong choice of shampoo to stress or climate change. Even though dandruff is not a serious disease, it can ruin the appearance of hair, causing its dullness and skin irritation.

Another common occurrence is oily or dry scalp. Greasiness can lead to rapid contamination of the hair and create an environment for the development of microorganisms, which, in turn, can cause unpleasant itching. Dry skin can cause flaking and irritation.

Dryness and peeling of the scalp are often perceived as a minor aesthetic problem, but these symptoms can be a sign of more serious diseases, such as dermatological disorders. It is important to consult a doctor first to rule out possible medical causes. If, after consultation, the specialist does not detect any serious pathologies, and the problem is purely cosmetic, there are several proven ways to solve it.

Choosing the right hair shampoos is a key aspect of scalp care. On the packages of shampoos and balms, it is always indicated for which type of hair the product is intended, which helps to choose the optimal composition for each specific case. For example, shampoos for oily hair contain components that regulate the sebaceous glands, reducing secretions. However, such products may be too aggressive for normal or dry hair, drying them out, which will lead to brittleness and dullness.

Stress is one of the main factors that negatively affect the health of the scalp and hair. It can cause an exacerbation of diseases such as seborrhea and psoriasis, as well as cause telogenic hair loss. In the process of stress reactions, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is activated, which affects the functioning of the adrenal glands. In response to stress, they begin to produce elevated levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn causes vascular spasm in the scalp. This leads to a reduction in hair follicles and disruption of the sebaceous glands, which worsens the condition of the hair and scalp.

Nutrition also plays an equally important role in hair health. A lack of vitamins and trace elements can significantly affect their appearance and growth. For example, a deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, and group B, as well as minerals such as zinc and iron, can lead to dry scalp, peeling, and hair loss. To maintain their health, it is important to ensure a balanced diet, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Climate conditions have a significant impact on the health of the scalp. Too cold or hot weather, high humidity, or, conversely, dry air can disrupt the balance of skin and hair. For example, in regions with high humidity, people are more likely to experience diseases of the scalp of fungal etiology, such as dandruff or seborrhea. Extreme temperatures can also contribute to dehydration of the skin, leading to dryness and flaking.

Ecology, although a factor that is difficult to deal with, also affects the condition of the hair. Polluted air, car exhaust, and emissions from large cities settle on the scalp, causing it to become polluted and inflamed. This can lead to deterioration of hair quality, hair loss and skin irritation. Although it is difficult to change the environmental situation on a global scale, it is possible to minimize its impact through regular care and protection of hair and scalp.

Scalp mesotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for hair problems such as hair loss and thinning. This invasive method involves injecting nutrients such as vitamins and minerals into the deep layers of the scalp using a special solution. Mesotherapy helps strengthen the hair roots, stimulates their growth and improves the density and general condition of the hair. The number of sessions depends on the specific cause of hair loss, and, as a rule, the procedure has minimal side effects, which makes it an effective and safe method of care.

If mesotherapy seems too radical to you, you can always start with proper hair and scalp care. It is important to choose products based on the type of scalp and the condition of the hair to ensure the most effective care. However, there are universal medical products that are suitable for all skin types, providing comprehensive care and support for hair health, regardless of their condition. This approach helps to prevent many problems by keeping your hair healthy and strong.

One of the products can be Zeroid Rootheal Moisturizer MD. This product protects the skin by creating a physical layer for maintaining moisture on the skin with damaged barrier. MLE (Multi-lamellar Emulsion) similar to ingredients and the structure of skin lipid helps improve skin barrier, patented Defensamide helps improve skin barrier and keeps skin healthy, skin friendly mild formula allows quick absorption possible without leaving a greasy or a sticky feeling. As the importance of ceramide for a healthy skin barrier has become widely known, several attempts have been made to take care of skin using ceramide. Ceramide-9S is a ceramide developed with technology unique to Neopharm. It can create a lamellar structure that is similar to that of the skin lipid.

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